Posted by emily
on May 12, 2022
Execution News,
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According to media witnesses, it took 25 minutes for the execution team to insert an IV into Mr. Dixon. Eventually, the team made an incision in his groin in order to access a vein, requiring them to clean up “a fair amount of blood.” After the drugs were administered, Dixon gasped and then lost consciousness after a few minutes. Read additional reporting from AZ Central.
Jimmy Jenkins reports on the significant length of time it took the Dixon execution team and prior execution teams to access a vein in order to conduct the lethal injection execution. Read that story from AZ Central.
Austin Sarat also discusses the botched execution at Verdict.
Tags: Dixon, Execution, Lethal Injection
Posted by emily
on May 11, 2022
Execution News,
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Media is reporting that Mr. Dixon was executed this morning. There was a delay due to the execution team having trouble finding a suitable vein. Mr. Dixon is reported to have appeared to be in pain. Follow updates at AZ Central.
From the Washington Post, Arizona Republicans have a serious disconnect on how they value life
Tags: Dixon, Execution, Lethal Injection
Posted by emily
on April 28, 2022
Execution News,
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The Arizona Board of Executive Clemency unanimously voted to deny commutation or reprieve to Clarence Dixon. Read the Arizona Republic’s reporting
Tags: Clemency, Dixon, Execution