
Atwood Execution: For Media

Posted by emily on May 25, 2022
Execution News, What's New / 1 Comment

Frank Atwood: Federal Appeals Court Weighs Legal Innocence Arguments

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to determine whether to authorize review of questions about Mr. Atwood’s innocence, the State’s suppression of evidence, and whether Mr. Atwood was eligible for the death penalty to begin with

PHOENIX – Following the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency’s denial of Frank Atwood’s request for commutation, reprieve, or pardon, Mr. Atwood’s legal team continue their efforts to reopen legal innocence claims in this case before Mr. Atwood is wrongfully executed. Mr. Atwood is also challenging the state’s methods of execution, lethal injection and lethal gas, both of which would amount to torture in his case.

Yesterday, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral argument on whether to authorize litigation in the District of Arizona on persisting constitutional problems in the conviction and death sentence of Frank Atwood. In question are Mr. Atwood’s innocence, the State’s suppression of evidence implicating an alternate suspect, and whether Mr. Atwood was even legally eligible for a death sentence under Arizona law. Federal procedural barriers to further litigation are considerable, but the Court of Appeals identified questions it needed to closely consider due to the gravity of the underlying problems. Should the federal appeals court side with Mr. Atwood, his case would return to the federal district court in Tucson, where these questions would be addressed.

“We are hopeful the Ninth Circuit will agree that, with this profound injustice at stake, these crucial questions about Mr. Atwood’s innocence, his conviction, and death sentence must be resolved before Arizona wrongly executes him,” said Amy Knight, the attorney who argued before the Ninth Circuit on behalf of Mr. Atwood.


Although the Board of Executive Clemency declined to take action on Mr. Atwood’s case, Mr. Atwood and his legal team presented extensive evidence eviscerating the prosecution’s case, in addition to voluminous evidence of an alternate suspect’s culpability in the 1984 disappearance and death of an 8-year-old child.

The only surviving member of Mr. Atwood’s trial defense team, Ms. Debbie Gaynes, who was permitted to address the Board only briefly, outlined serious issues plaguing the jury deliberations. The yelling she heard coming from the jury room, along with interviews she conducted after the verdict, revealed that five jurors were coerced into convicting Mr. Atwood by another juror, an ex-Marine. At the time, juror Helen White told Ms. Gaynes she could not understand how the jury convicted Mr. Atwood of kidnapping—a decisive matter because without the kidnapping conviction, the prosecution would have been unable to seek a death sentence. Compounding these serious, unresolved problems with the conviction is the fact that Mr. Atwood was sentenced to death by a lone judge, and not this conflicted jury. The Arizona law allowing for such sentencing was later struck down as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. Due to procedural technicalities, however, this unconstitutional sentence has been allowed to stand.

Mr. Atwood’s defense team at trial in this unprecedently complex case, in the state’s first trial covered gavel-to-gavel on television, boiled down to a solo defense attorney and his valiant paralegal. The case clearly needed a proper team of attorneys specialized in this most demanding area of the law. But even with an adequate defense team, the prosecution’s misconduct and factual distortions would have plagued the proceedings. The child victim’s grieving father, the late Ron Hoskinson, even stated at the time of the sentence: “I thought it may be life because there wasn’t an eyewitness. I wouldn’t have been upset either way – life or death.”

As a faithful member of the Greek Orthodox Church, Mr. Atwood also received a strong show of support from his religious community. The Abbott of St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery, who baptized Mr. Atwood in 1998 and has been his confessor ever since, testified to his innocence and to Mr. Atwood’s deep repentance for the harm he had caused others in the years before he was wrongfully convicted of this crime. Several other priests, all of whom have known Mr. Atwood for many years, offered similar testimony. Upwards of 200 hundred people from the Greek Orthodox community attended, forcing the board to set up an overflow room to accommodate Mr. Atwood’s numerous supporters.  


As courts weigh questions pertaining to Mr. Atwood’s innocence, conviction, and death sentence, Mr. Atwood’s legal team continues their work to secure an execution process that will not result in his violent torture. The Arizona Constitution ensures a choice between a lethal injection or lethal gas. Mr. Atwood has demanded the use of nitrogen gas, a constitutional method, but the State continues to insist that it will use only cyanide gas, a barbaric method from the Holocaust that courts have already rejected. At the same time, the lethal injection protocol the State has designed would unnecessarily cause Mr. Atwood, who is disabled and must use a wheelchair, unimaginable pain while strapped to the execution table. Serious questions also remain as to the safety and sterility of the drugs to be used. Arizona has refused to identify the source of its drugs or to provide adequate testing to demonstrate that the drugs will work as intended. Just weeks ago, state officials scrambled to make a new batch of drugs the day before the execution of Clarence Dixon, after his attorneys argued that the vial the state intended to use was in fact already expired.


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ADCRR Restricts Media Access to Executions

Posted by emily on May 24, 2022
Execution News, News, What's New / No Comments

Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. has demanded the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry comply with the permanent injunction issued by the U.S. District Court, which requires execution witnesses be permitted “to view the entirety of the execution.” In Mr. Dixon’s execution, when the curtains separating the execution chamber from the witness room were opened, Mr. Dixon was already strapped to the gurney and covered with a blanket. Phoenix Newspapers, Inc. also demands that the Arizona Republic be permitted to attend upcoming executions, including Frank Atwood’s, as a media witness. Read the Republic’s story and the demand letter at AZ Central.

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Problems with Dixon Execution

Posted by emily on May 12, 2022
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According to media witnesses, it took 25 minutes for the execution team to insert an IV into Mr. Dixon. Eventually, the team made an incision in his groin in order to access a vein, requiring them to clean up “a fair amount of blood.” After the drugs were administered, Dixon gasped and then lost consciousness after a few minutes. Read additional reporting from AZ Central.

Jimmy Jenkins reports on the significant length of time it took the Dixon execution team and prior execution teams to access a vein in order to conduct the lethal injection execution. Read that story from AZ Central.

Austin Sarat also discusses the botched execution at Verdict.

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Updates on Clarence Dixon

Posted by emily on May 11, 2022
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Media is reporting that Mr. Dixon was executed this morning. There was a delay due to the execution team having trouble finding a suitable vein. Mr. Dixon is reported to have appeared to be in pain. Follow updates at AZ Central.

From the Washington Post, Arizona Republicans have a serious disconnect on how they value life

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Frank Atwood Execution: For Media

Posted by emily on May 04, 2022
Execution News, What's New / No Comments


Today (May 3, 2022), the Attorney General has secured a warrant to execute Frank Atwood in 35 days, on June 8, 2022. Arizona Constitutional law requires Mr. Atwood to choose between two methods: lethal injection or lethal gas. Each method can be conducted constitutionally under United States Supreme Court precedent, but the Arizona Department of Corrections is unprepared to conduct either one without knowingly inflicting torturous pain on Mr. Atwood, picking up from Arizona’s last execution, nearly eight years ago in July 2014, which grossly violated the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments during a two-hour killing of Joseph Wood—entailing the use of 15 injections, instead of one, and his gasping for air over 600 times before succumbing.

Mr. Atwood now imminently faces deciding which method the Department of Corrections will use, knowing that under its procedures, which call for either compounded pentobarbital injection or cyanide gas, either will cause him maximum pain and suffering. This Hobson’s choice, unless corrected, condemns Mr. Atwood to a violent, severely painful death, whichever method is selected. Unless he is dissuaded from choosing cyanide gas as somehow the lesser of two evils, Mr. Atwood will be the first person in this century to die in Arizona’s gas chamber by Nazi Germany’s method for carrying out its Holocaust.


Rather than designating a constitutional lethal gas, such as nitrogen or helium which would lawfully, simply, and humanely end life, the Department of Corrections’ current published protocol, last revised April 20, 2022, has designated sodium cyanide, a form of poison gas known as Zyklon B when Nazi Germany used it to exterminate millions. In modern times, Arizona has executed two men by cyanide gas, the last occurring in 1999. In 2021, the Department of Corrections renewed its specification of sodium cyanide gas for use in lethal gas executions. Further, records published that year also reflect that the Department failed to procure the correct form of cyanide, buying potassium cyanide instead. Witnesses to the Arizona cyanide gas executions in 1992 and 1999 reported the prolonged, violent convulsing, coughing, and agonizing deaths.  

Despite the known horrors of cyanide gas, Mr. Atwood, whose mother escaped Nazi persecution in her childhood home of Austria, must now be persuaded to forego such a death and to choose lethal injection. Arizona law requires that he designates by May 19, 2022, twenty days prior to his execution date, whether he will select a lethal gas execution. Mr. Atwood’s disability, which stems from years of neglect and mistreatment at the hands of the Department of Corrections, coupled with the Department’s preparedness to resume using compounded chemicals in lethal injections, execution by execution preparing a new batch of drugs, creates an unconscionable dilemma between avoiding cyanide gas and accepting the compounded pentobarbital protocol.

Mr. Atwood, 66, is disabled by a severe degenerative spinal condition and has been bound to a wheelchair for years. The Department of Corrections’ lethal injection protocol dictates that he will be stretched flat on his back on the execution table with his legs and feet restrained. Due to his spinal disease, strapping him to the execution table will cause the maximum severity of pain throughout his lower extremities, with pain signals to his body matching that which would result from medieval torture techniques. Thus, even if the Department were to have adequate execution chemicals prepared by an unidentified pharmacist and their compounded pentobarbital injection went exactly to plan, those plans will inflict on Mr. Atwood the severest conceivable level of pain. Despite new Arizona legal obligations following the Department’s 2014 debacle and designed to demonstrate the adequacy of lethal injection chemicals before their use in any execution, the Attorney General’s court filings since April 2021 have evaded the Department’s basic requirements to prove the compounded chemicals will be adequate to humanely cause death. In July 2021, the Arizona Supreme Court cancelled execution warrant scheduling due to the Attorney General’s admission that initial representations made about the compounding process were wildly inaccurate. And while those issues have not been resolved, the Arizona Supreme Court denied Mr. Atwood’s request for factual development and issued a warrant for his execution today. 

Mr. Atwood has always maintained his innocence in the 1985 Tucson disappearance and death of an 8-year-old girl, for which he was convicted in 1987 based on a largely circumstantial case and sentenced to death by a judge, not a jury. Over twenty years ago, Father Paisios, Abbot of the St. Anthony’s Monastery in Florence, baptized Mr. Atwood. Mr. Atwood is a devout observer and scholar of Greek Orthodoxy, which prepares him to meet his end at the hands of the State. Father Paisios intends to administer last rites to Mr. Atwood by physical contact and verbal recitations, but the faithful performance of this ancient sacrament in its traditional manner may be foreclosed by the need for Mr. Atwood to enter Arizona’s gas chamber to die by cyanide gas. In any case, religious exercise at this most critical moment is not satisfied merely by allowing the presence of a spiritual advisor in the execution chamber, the man receiving last rites must be lucid to receive them, not dissociating from his torturous pain.

End Note:

Article XXII, § 22 of the Arizona Constitution, provides that individuals sentenced to death for an offense committed before November 23, 1992, may elect lethal gas, which prior to that amendment was Arizona’s single method of execution since 1933. Mr. Atwood’s conviction concerns a crime committed in 1985.


The Department of Corrections presents false choices to Mr. Atwood, who is disabled and has been a wheelchair-user for many years. On the one hand is lethal injection, for which the Department is unprepared to proceed and, due to Mr. Atwood’s severe spinal condition, would inflict maximum pain throughout the process. On the other hand is cyanide gas, used by Nazi Germany to exterminate millions in the Holocaust. The State of Arizona needs a constitutional gas option and one is readily in reach. By designating cyanide gas, the Department is cynically forcing Mr. Atwood to accept the torture of a lethal injection, playing out a version of the grim fate that befell the last person subjected to that method in Arizona, who was strapped to the execution table for over two hours, hopelessly gasping for air over 600 times. If the Department fails to revise its procedures to provide a constitutional form of lethal gas, such as nitrogen, then Arizona law should be revised to permit execution by firing squad, a simple and inexpensive method used since the advent of firearms. This effective method of carrying out the death penalty is applicable in several states, though avoided by others because, perhaps, the process of shooting somebody in their heart or head is transparent and lacks what some consider to be the dignity that lethal injection lends to capital punishment. –Joseph Perkovich

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Execution Warrant Issued for Frank Atwood

Posted by emily on May 03, 2022
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The Arizona Supreme Court has granted the State’s Motion for Execution Warrant for Mr. Atwood. He is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection or lethal gas on June 8.

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Clemency Denied for Clarence Dixon

Posted by emily on April 28, 2022
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The Arizona Board of Executive Clemency unanimously voted to deny commutation or reprieve to Clarence Dixon. Read the Arizona Republic’s reporting

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Court ruling is a “big blow” to the Attorney General’s plan to execute Clarence Dixon and Frank Atwood

Posted by emily on July 15, 2021
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ABC15 in Phoenix offers additional coverage of the Arizona Supreme Court’s order denying the Attorney General’s request to modify the briefing schedule on their planned motion for execution warrants for Clarence Dixon and Frank Atwood. Read the article here.

Arizona Supreme Court Denies Request to Speed Up Execution Process

Posted by emily on July 13, 2021
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The Arizona Supreme Court has denied the State’s request to modify the briefing schedule for its motions for execution warrants in the cases of Clarence Dixon and Frank Atwood. The court also vacated the briefing schedule and ordered that the state may renew its request after it completes specialized testing of the compounded pentobarbital.  Media coverage is below.

Arizona Supreme Court: State can’t rush execution of long-standing death row inmates

Posted by Kirsty Davis on July 12, 2021
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July 12, 2021

TUCSON, Ariz. (KOLD News 13) – The Arizona Supreme Court made several rulings on Monday, July 12 that would prevent the state from executing two death row inmates until it can prove the execution would not violate the inmates’ constitutional rights.
The Supreme Court denied the Arizona Attorney General’s requests to speed up the executions of Frank Atwood and Clarence Dixon who had each been on death row for decades. The Supreme Court’s decision cited the state’s revelation that it had relied on false information about the shelf life of its execution drugs. The Supreme Court also granted both inmates’ requests to vacate the briefing schedule established in May.

Dale Baich, an attorney of Dixon’s, said in a news release the state had a “problematic” history of handling prescription drugs, including the 2014 execution of Joseph Wood, during which the combination of drugs did not work as intended, and the state’s attempt to illegally import foreign execution drugs the following year.

“In order to prevent this troubling history from repeating itself, Arizona must stop its attempt to rush executions,” Baich was quoted as saying.


The state in June refurbished its gas chamber after a seven-year hiatus and bought the materials to make hydrogen cyanide, drawing criticism due to the chemical’s use by Nazi’s to kill 865,000 in Auschwitz concentration camp. The state also struggled to obtain suppliers for the executions, but revealed this spring it had gotten a shipment of pentobarbital.

The Supreme Court in May granted the state’s request for a briefing schedule for to issue a warrant for Dixon’s execution. The state sought the briefing schedule based on the belief that the drugs would have a 90-day shelf life. During the next month, the state asked to shorten the schedule, now arguing that the drugs’ shelf life was 45-days and Dixon needed to be executed before they expired.

The shortened schedule would have denied Dixon sufficient time to respond to the state’s request for an execution warrant, his attorneys said in a news release.


State prosecutors initially asked that Dixon be executed in September, but because of state law, the execution would have likely been set the month after.

Atwood was sentenced to death after he kidnapped and murdered 8-year-old Vicky Lynn Hoskinson in 1984. Dixon was sentenced for the 1978 murder of 21-year-old Deana Bowdoin in Maricopa County.

An attempt Monday to reach the Attorney General’s Office for a response to the rulings was not immediately successful.