On May 24, the Arizona Supreme Court issued a temporary stay of execution for Donald Beaty to allow for oral argument on the State’s last-minute switch in lethal injection drugs. This afternoon, the Court lifted the stay, finding that Mr. Beaty would not be able to prove a substantial risk of injury due to the switch.
Archive for May, 2011
On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court affirmed the conviction and death sentence in State v. Dixon and the death sentence in State v. Prince. The Court’s opinions are below.
Jeff Toobin of the New Yorker recently profiled Danalynn Recer of the Gulf Region Advocacy Center in Houston, Texas. The Arizona Capital Representation Project had the pleasure of hosting Danalynn and two of her mitigation specialists at our Mitigation Intensive seminar in April. For more information about Danalynn, GRACE, and their incredible work, please visit www.gracelaw.org.